
2013年9月19日 星期四




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2013年9月18日 星期三







For more information and online shopping, please visit our website: www.isnatura.com.hk

Avantari Re2 Hair Care Set - Rejuvenating and Regenerating

Avantari Re2 Hair Care Set - Rejuvenating and Regenerating




Make (someone or something) look or feel younger, fresher, or more lively.



(of a living organism) regrow (new tissue) to replace lost or injured tissue.

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2013年9月16日 星期一

細看Avantari 系列的產品主要成份 - 蘆薈混合液,單寧酸,富里酸

I.S. Natura 的 Avantari 系列均採用了純天然的原料配製而成,其中有三種原料是系列的主要成份。以下是這三種原料的簡介。

Aloe Blend 蘆薈混合液

Tannic Acid 單寧酸

Fulvic Acid 富里酸 
Avantari 系列產品都含有高濃度的富里酸,濃度為60%以上。富里酸可以被人體迅速吸收,而且可以加強身體細胞的再生。它的特殊能力更可以提升我們的免疫系統機能,增加我們受損細胞的恢復效率。Avantari 系列把富里酸加進洗髮潤髮乳中,可以幫助修復我們受損髮質,刺激願皮細胞的生長,從而達到加快頭髮生長和髮囊生髮的效果。

去離子水、薰衣草精華、洋甘菊精華、蕁麻屬精華阿馬拉花油、迷迭香油、羊毛脂(羊毛脂)硬脂醇、椰子提取物、墨西哥辣椒提取物、檸檬(檸檬)水果提取物、調理Vulgare(茴香)種子提取物、馬呂斯(蘋果)及其果提取物蜂蜜(泛醇)、橙花(柑橘橙)、棕櫚(防腐劑) 酒精(甘蔗)氫化三萜烯混合物(人蔘提取)Vetable品種(PolaWax)水解大豆蛋白、水解小麥蛋白、水解玉米蛋白、海藻和貝類(水解角蛋白) 

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Avantari 愛維系列 - 再生洗髮乳,護理潤髮乳,增髮精華液1,增髮精華液2

一套四件的Avantari 愛維系列,包括再生洗髮乳,護理潤髮乳,增髮精華液1及增髮精華液2。

Avantari 系列包裝簡單清新,配合整套產品使用可以讓你更快感覺到Avantari系列的魔力!

For more information and online shopping, please our website, www.isnatura.com.hk
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Tip for the start of this week!

Take a deep breath


Smile to the sun

Say good morning!

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2013年9月13日 星期五





For more information and online shopping, please visit our website: www.isnatura.com.hk

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2013年9月12日 星期四




What are they? Where do they come from? What can they do? Why do we need them?
Though virtually unknown to the layman, there is perhaps no substance more vital to life, (with the possible exception of oxygen and water) than the biologically derived compounds known as Humic and Fulvic acids. Fulvic acids enter into all life processes within plants and animals and wear many hats. When necessary; they act as free-radical scavengers, supply vital electrolytes, enhance and transport nutrients, make water wetter, catalyze enzyme reactions, increase assimilation, stimulate metabolism, chelate essential major and trace elements making them organic, and demonstrate amazing capacity for electrochemical balance.

2013年9月11日 星期三




An extremely bioactive low molecular weight yellow substance that is the end product of decomposition of all once living matter, which is readily water soluble and soluble in both acid and base, and at all pH levels. Consists of extremely complex molecules made up of microbial exudates and highly protective and seemingly immortal plant phytochemicals which are combined and recombined during the humification (decomposition) process, requiring digestion by at least three different species and successive generations of appropriate species of microbes, ultimately becoming the most complex natural substance on Earth. Also contains latent solar energy hidden deep within its complex molecular structure which originated from photosynthesis of the plants of origin, which is partly responsible for the most unusual properties and bioacative nature of fulvic acids. More correctly called Fulvic acids (plural), because Fulvic acid is not a single consistent substance, but is a highly varied and complex substance reflecting the nature of the plant and animal species of origin, and also the nature of the specific species of microbes re sponsible for its creation during the humification process        
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第一篇 富里的意思


第一篇   富里的意思

富里 (Fulvic)

〜字源:[FUL <古英語<已滿]充分,其特點是,有特質的,有能力或傾向
〜[VIC <舊法國<vicaire <]變更,彎曲,改變。
〜 [fulvus <Latin>]深黃,紅黃色,金色,或黃褐色。

~word origin:[ful < Old English < full] full of, characterized by, having the qualities of, having the ability or tendency to
~apt to [vic < Old French < vicaire < change] alteration, to bend, to change.
~ [fulvus <Latin>] deep yellow, reddish yellow, golden, or tawny color.
~definition: Fulvic is an extremely complex bioactive yellow organic substance, the ultimate aerobic decomposition product of all living matter, with unusual and exceptional qualities and abilities to change, alter, molecularly combine with, or act upon virtually all other organic and inorganic matter. Having the characteristics of fusion at the molecular level.

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2013年9月10日 星期二

Hair treatment II 增髮精華液II

Hair treatment II HKD 600
增髮精華液 II

Description 簡介
Avantari Treatment II formulated with special blend of herbs to help develop and strengthen new hairs, minimize hair shedding, and repair damaged hair and scalp. It encourages your body’s own ability to naturally grow hair. All natural aloe essences work quickly to restore your scalp and hair to its original healthy condition for stronger, denser, thicker, fuller, and more luscious looking hair. Designed for thinning and lifeless hair, along with damaged hair due to age, over-processing, hormonal changes, stress, and more.

愛維增髮精華液 II 是由特別的植物混合精華製作而成的。增髮精華液 II 有效幫助新髮的生長、減少髮絲脫落的情況,以及修復受損的髮絲和頭皮。它有效刺激您的頭髮生長,提升髮絲自行生長的速度。天然的蘆薈精華會幫助修復和還原您的頭皮和頭髮回復以往的健康,使髮絲變得更強壯、密度更高、更有厚度、看起來更耀眼。增髮精華液 II 是專門為頭髮稀少、暗啞以及因年齡、過度造型、荷爾蒙變化、壓力等掉髮問題的人士而研配的。

2013年9月9日 星期一















轉載自美肌狂人中文版 http://tw.bihada-mania.jp/blog/1555

2013年9月6日 星期五

Hair treatment I 增髮精華液 I

Hair treatment I   增髮精華液 I  HKD 200

Description 簡介
Avantari Scalp Care is a restorative scalp treatment that helps increase hair volume and decrease hair loss. All natural extracts formulated to effectively restore and rejuvenate scalp to encourage healthy hair growth.



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2013年9月2日 星期一

Fulvic acid 的好處多羅羅!

Fulvic Acid is recognized as one of the key elements in many outstanding health and scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century. Fulvic Acid is extracted from the major organic constituents of the enriched Arizona Desert and Mexico Desert soil, and it is found in Earth’s finest and most nutritious soil layer. Fulvic Acid is known as “the natural detox miracle”.  Due to its special chemical composition, it is one of the most powerful natural antioxidants and free radical scavengers known.


2013年8月30日 星期五

Avantari Renaturation Conditioner

Avantari Renaturation Conditioner is an all-natural cream rinse for all hair type. Concentrated with herbs and protein blends, ARConditioner help to repair damaged hair and replenish vital nutrients to the hair. 

2013年8月28日 星期三

Avantari Regenerating Shampoo

Avantari Regenerating Shampoo, an exclusive original, highly concentrated formula with all natural herbs and extracts. Formulated to help intensive scalp repair and stimulate healthy hair growth.

2013年8月23日 星期五

The finest electrolyte 最優秀的電解質 - Fulvica Acid 富里酸

Some scientists have recently been studying fulvic acid, and have come up some amazing facts. They tell us that fulvic acid is the finest electrolyte known to man. It is assists with human enzyme production, hormone structures, and is necessary for the utilization of vitamins. It has been found to be essential to living cells in carrying on metabolic processes. It maintains the ideal environment for dissolved mineral complexes, elements, and cells to bio-react electrically with one another causing electron transfer, catalytic reactions, and transmutations into new minerals. It is also the most powerful anti-oxidant and free radical scavenger known. It has the unique ability to react with both negatively and positively charged unpaired electrons and render free radicals harmless. It can either alter them into new useable compounds or eliminate them as waste. Fulvic acid can similarly scavenge heavy metals and detoxify pollutants. Fulvic acid helps to correct cell imbalances.


Fulvic acid is an organic natural electrolyte that can balance and energize biological properties that come into contact with it. An electrolyte is a substance that is soluble in water or other appropriate medium that is capable of conducting electrical current.

The power of an electrolyte has been shown in repeated tests on animal cells (giant amoeba), to be able to restore life in what researchers termed "a beautiful demonstration" and "astonishing". When the electrolyte potential was taken away, during the test, the cell ruptured and disintegrated into the surrounding fluid causing death. Upon reintroducing electrical potential the cell reconstructed and became active and healthy.

It was also determined in studies, that similar results could be expected of the progressive weakness among humans that results from unchecked hemorrhage, overwhelming emotions, uncontrolled infections, unbalanced diet, prolonged loss of sleep, and surgical shock. These examples are all accompanied by a steady decrease in electrical potential that eventually is reduced to zero at death. These studies show convincingly that that the physical well being of plants, animals, and humans is determined by proper electrical potential.

Fulvic acid has proven to be a powerful organic electrolyte, serving to balance cell life. If the individual cell is restored to its normal chemical balance and thereby, in turn, its electrical potential, we have given life where death and disintegration would normally occur within plant and animal cells.



研究確定,類似的結果在人體中出現,如內出血,負面情緒,失控,飲食不均衡,失眠,和手術後。這些例子電勢轉弱的表現,當人死亡時電勢為零。這些研究證實從適當的吸取電子對植物,動物和人類的身體健康有極大的幫助。 ͞


Want to know more about Fulvic Acid? Click our next post!

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2013年8月19日 星期一

Find out more about Fulvic Acid!!! 認識更多關於富里酸!!!

Last time we provide some basic information about Fulvic Acid, this time we are going to provide more information about this hidden treasure.
上一次我們提供了一些富里酸的基本資料What is Fulvic Acid?,這一篇就來更多更詳細的資料吧!

In the beginning 起源

In the beginning the Earth was blessed with optimum organic growing conditions. The soil had a wealth of minerals, trace elements, and rich humus soil teaming with microbes. The Earth's minerals had not yet leached and eroded into the seas, and because of that, the soil was exceptionally fertile. The vegetation was very lush and abundant, as is evidenced by ancient remains that we know were formed into coal and oil deposits.


Fulvic acid 富里酸

Fulvic acid has been discovered to be one of the most important miracles of life itself. Fulvic acid is a part of the humic structure in rich composting soil. It is an acid created in extremely small amounts by the action of millions of beneficial microbes, working on decaying plant matter in a soil environment with adequate oxygen. It is of low molecular weight and is biologically very active. Because of its low molecular weight, it has the necessity and ability to readily bond minerals and elements into its molecular structure causing them to dissolve and become mobilized fulvic complexes. Fulvic acid usually carries 70 or more minerals and trace elements as part of its molecular complexes. These are then in ideal natural form to be absorbed by plant roots and interact with living cells. Plants readily absorb high amounts of fulvic acid, and maintain it in their structure. In fact it has been discovered that these fulvic acid complexes are absolutely essential for plants to be healthy, and the same is true of animals and man.


Fulvic acid is lacking in food crops 富里酸缺乏於現代糧食農作物中

It seems obvious that most of the plants and food crops of today would also contain adequate amounts or at least some of the miracle fulvic acid and its related mineral complexes, but few do. As human beings it would be reasonable to assume that we should be consuming fulvic acid complexes in the plants we eat, and consequently have fulvic acid in our systems. It is obvious that this is the way nature intended it. But this is not the case, nor has it been for a long time. Our soils are sick from poor agricultural practices, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, erosion, and mineral depletion, as well as sterile conditions that prohibit microbial activity. Because of this our plants are sick, containing very little nutrition, especially minerals. For generations adequate fulvic acid that should have been contained in the plants we eat has been missing from our diets, yet it is essential for our cell metabolism. Scientists have found that nutritionally we need 90 different nutrients in our diets. Over 60 of these are minerals and trace elements. We are simply not getting them today from the plants we eat.


Fulvic acid, a hidden treasure 富里酸,一種隱藏的珍寶

A water solution can contain much higher mineral concentration when dissolved into fulvic acid than it could otherwise hold. It is most important to realize that fulvic acid is natures own perfect vehicle for transport of minerals to living cells. This is because fulvic acid bonds with minerals and other molecules and transforms them.

Since fulvic acids are formed by decomposition of once living matter, fulvic acid contains hidden treasures of the past, in the perfect plant form, in nature's own recycling process. Mineral, metal, and trace element complexes with fulvic acid become an additional bonus to the miracle of fulvic acid. These fulvic complexes are hundreds of times smaller than living cells, and are amazingly absorbable by them. It is most important to know that fulvic acid has the unique ability to enhance, potentiate, and increase absorption of many other compounds such as vitamins, herbs, minerals, tinctures, and foods with which it is combined. Fulvic acid is one of natures miracles of unparalleled proportion.



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What is Fulvic Acid? 什麼是富里酸?

Fulvic Acid is an extremely bioactive low molecular weight yellow substance that is the end product of decomposition of all once living matter, which is readily water soluble and soluble in both acid and base, and at all pH levels. Consists of extremely complex molecules made up of microbial exudates and highly protective and seemingly immortal plant phytochemicals which are combined and recombined during the humification (decomposition) process, requiring digestion by at least three different species and successive generations of appropriate species of microbes, ultimately becoming the most complex natural substance on Earth. 

Also contains latent solar energy hidden deep within its complex molecular structure which originated from photosynthesis of the plants of origin, which is partly responsible for the most unusual properties and bioacative nature of fulvic acids. More correctly called Fulvic acids (plural), because Fulvic acid is not a single consistent substance, but is a highly varied and complex substance reflecting the nature of the plant and animal species of origin, and also the nature of the specific species of microbes re sponsible for its creation during the humification process



Want to know more about Fulvic Acid? Click our next post!
Find out more about Fulvic Acid!!! 認識更多關於富里酸!!!

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2013年8月13日 星期二

Products we produce 我們的產品


AVANTARI is a brand that approaches personal health and personal care from a Natural & Organic point of view. AVANTARI products are of USA-Arizona Desert and Mexico origin. We collect all the natural plants and enriched soils to extract the natural, healthy and authentic active substances and ingredients.

By combining research and nature, we use the best that nature has to offer to develop products with healthy and beauty focus. Our Plant Essence Supplements, Skin Care Products, Bath and Body Products, and Hair Beauty Products formulated with scientifically-proven ingredients

AVANTARI’s profound powers of remedy are derived from highly active ingredients like Fulvic Acids and protective antioxidant extracts.

Fulvic Acid is the Key ingredients in all AVANTARI products. Fulvic acid is rapidly being recognized as one of the key elements in many outstanding health and scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century.

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History of Mia Monte-Solution 歷史

Dr. Dick Miyayama began his research towards hair growth and natural treatments.

Through research and development of product prototypes, Dr. Miyama successful developed Mia Lotion, which induces hair growth.

Clinical test were conducted at National Autonomous University of Mexico and The Ministry of Health and Welfare Mexico.

Began mass-producing the hair treatments.

Hair growth clinical experiments were conducted with Dr. Ramon Maldonarudo.

The hair products were released in the United States consumer market.

Over 400 users were monitored and showed evidence of increased hair growth.

Over 3,000 users were monitored in Japan and showed evidence of increased hair growth.

Dr. Umezawa joins the team in the development of a fertilizer enzyme breakdown composter.

2003 June
A successful sample of Miya Organic Fertilizer is produced using the trial composter.

Dr. Umezawa conducted agricultural protocol study. The agricultural protocol study produced incredible results.  This led to the beginning of research and development phase to perfect the ratio of Humic Acid and Fulvic Acid. Miya Monte Mex’s Fertilizer was found to have a greater percentage of fulvic acid to existing fertilizers.

Following the success of the Miya Monte Mex Fertilizer, the team began to focus on the extraction of Fulvic Acid.

With Dr. Umezawa’s experience in fertilizers science and Dr. Miyayama’s expertise in animal feed technology, they two were able to successfully produce fulvic acid with 40-60% concentration. 

Research of the Miya Monte Mex Fulvic Acid Concentrated solution begins.
At Antonio Narro University, Dr. Ruben successfully performs a prototype experiment of soil refinement using sunflower cultivation with Fulvic Acid.

Began mass-producing fulvic acid in both dry and liquid form.

Miya Monte Fulvic Acid products are released onto the consumer market in the United States and Japan.

Phylia De M., LLC began distributing hair growth products and Fulvic Acid in Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand, and South America.

2013 June
I.S. Natura (H.K.) Limited began distributing hair growth products and Avantari Fulvic Acid in Hong Kong and Greater China.

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